Azad appointed 2020 Fellow of The Optical Society

Press/Media: STE Highlight


Abul Azad


Abul Azad


Abul Azad, of the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (MPA-CINT), was named a 2020 fellow of The Optical Society (OSA).

Each year, fellowship is limited to 0.5% of total OSA membership. The selection is made by the society’s board of directors and recognizes members who have served the organization and the optics and photonics communities with distinction. This honor has been bestowed upon more than 2,500 OSA members since 1959.

Azad was recognized for his original pioneering contributions to the research and development of terahertz metamaterials, few-layer metasurfaces, active metamaterials, and terahertz plasmonics in subwavelength hole-arrays.

Azad is a staff scientist on CINT’s Laboratory for Ultrafast Materials and Optical Science (LUMOS) team. He engineers quasi two-dimensional metamaterials, which are designed to have electromagnetic properties not found in nature, such as negative refraction, electromagnetic cloaking, arbitrary wavefront shaping, and advanced photon management.

His work contributes to CINT’s nanophotonics and optical nanomaterials science thrusts and supports the Laboratory’s Energy Security mission and Materials of the Future science pillar by advancing efforts to develop materials with tailored properties and predictable performance.

Technical contact: Abul Azad

PeriodOct 29 2019

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleAzad appointed 2020 Fellow of The Optical Society
    PersonsAbul Kalam Azad,

Media Type

  • STE Highlight


  • LA-UR-19-30972

STE Mission

  • Energy Security

STE Pillar

  • Materials for the Future

STE Publication Year

  • 2019