Laboratory researchers presented talks relevant to LANL’s proposed Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes (MaRIE) signature experimental facility and topics related to existing Los Alamos programs at the International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI). The conference drew approximately 430 researchers from around the world who use particle accelerators in their research and industrial applications.
The Lab’s presentations highlighted the latest accelerator technology developments and accelerator-enabled research. The presentations demonstrated the depth and breadth of LANL’s accelerator expertise, facilities, and infrastructure. Such capabilities are required by MaRIE, which will have the world’s first very-hard (42-KeV) and very high repetition rate (few pulses at a GHz) x-ray free electron laser at its core.
Twenty representatives (staff, students, and postdoctoral researchers) from seven Los Alamos technical divisions participated as presenters, topic editors, session chairs, and attendees. LANL, the University of North Texas, and Sandia National Laboratories sponsored the conference. Ion Beam Materials Laboratory leader Yongqiang Wang (Materials Science in Radiation and Dynamics Extremes, MST-8) co-chaired the conference, and Associate Director for Theory, Simulation, and Computation John Sarrao delivered opening remarks on behalf of the Lab. Bob Garnett (Accelerators and Electrodynamics AOT-AE), Anna Hayes (Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology, T-2), and Richard Greco (International Threat Reduction, NEN-3) served as topic editors. Steve Wender, Fredrik Tovesson, and Aaron Couture (Neutron & Nuclear Science, LANSCE-NS); Ming Tang (MST-8); Nan Li (Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, MPA-CINT); Gregg McKinney (Systems Design and Analysis, NEN-5); and Wang functioned as session chairs.
Invited talks:
- Bob Garnett (AOT-AE) - accelerators with potential use for homeland security
- Nan Li, Jon Baldwin, and Amit Misra (MPA-CINT); Yun Xu, Jeffery Aguiar, Yongqiang Wang, Anderoglu Osman, and Blas Uberuaga (MST-8) - phase stability and microstructure evolution of a metal-oxide multilayer thin film nanocomposite under ion irradiation
- Rhiannon Meharchand (LANSCE-NS) - Los Alamos Neutron Science Center’s nuclear fission research program
- Heather Marie Quinn (Space Data Systems, ISR-3) - how space weather affects electronics and on interactions with neutron radiation in high-performance computing.
Invited poster: Sergey Kurennoy, Bob Garnett, and Lawrence Rybarcyk (AOT-AE) - interrogation of special nuclear materials using neutrons and photons combined.
CAARI is a biennial international conference series and covers such topic areas as accelerator technology, atomic and nuclear physics, ion beam analysis and modification, radiation effects, accelerator applications in homeland security and medicine, etc.
Technical contact: Yongqiang Wang