Unique characterization capabilities for understanding plutonium aging

Press/Media: STE Highlight


MST-16 research technicians Ben Hollowell (left) and Todd Martinez


MST-16 research technicians Ben Hollowell (left) and Todd Martinez (right) work on the PF-4 40-mm gun. The 40-mm gun is a key research tool for understanding the dynamic properties of plutonium.


Nuclear Materials Science (MST-16) plays a critical role in evaluating the static and dynamic properties of new and aged plutonium. The group’s work, in collaboration with Shock and Detonation Physics (M-9), Materials Science in Radiation and Dynamics Extremes (MST-8), Condensed Matter and Magnet Science (MPA-CMMS), and Weapon Component Manufacturing and Surveillance (NCO-1), provides an integrated effort to support the B61 Life Extension Program through the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Science Program.

This effort began several years ago with casting simulation and mold development, plutonium casting, and thermal processing, machining, and small-sample preparation. Researchers used metallography and electron microprobe analysis to perform microstructural characterization of new cast material and aged plutonium samples. The immersion method and a new gas pycnometry capability determined individual sample density. Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy evaluated elastic constants and sample quality. Once the team had measured the characteristics of individual samples, they evaluated mechanical and dynamic properties using variable temperature resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, quasi-static compression testing, Kolsky bar testing, and 40-mm gas and powder shots. The investigators prepared, assembled, and shipped several samples to the Z Facility at Sandia National Laboratories for very high-strain rate testing. This combination of plutonium structure, properties, and performance research capability is unique in the DOE complex.

NNSA funded the work, which supports the Lab’s Nuclear Deterrence mission area and the Science of Signatures and Materials for the Future science pillars. Technical contact: Jeremy Mitchell.

PeriodApr 26 2017

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleUnique characterization capabilities for understanding plutonium aging
    PersonsBenjamin Charles Hollowell, Todd P. Martinez, Jeremy Neil Mitchell, Benjamin Charles Hollowell, Todd P. Martinez

Media Type

  • STE Highlight


  • LALP 17-001

STE Mission

  • Nuclear Deterrence

STE Pillar

  • Materials for the Future
  • Science of Signatures

STE Publication Year

  • 2017