Magnetic field-induced ferroelectricity in S = 1/2 kagome staircase compound PbCu3TeO7

Kyongjun Yoo, B. Koteswararao, Jeonghun Kang, Aga Shahee, Woohyun Nam, Fedor F. Balakirev, Vivien S. Zapf, Neil Harrison, Alexander Guda, Nikita Ter-Oganessian, Kee Hoon Kim

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29 Scopus citations


Ni3V2O8 is an archetypical multiferroic material with a kagome staircase structure of S = 1 (Ni2+) spins whose complex interplay between spin ordering and ferroelectricity has been studied for more than a decade. Here, we report a new kagome staircase compound PbCu3TeO7 with Cu2+ (S = 1/2) spins that exhibits two Néel temperatures at TN1 = 36 K and TN2 = 24 K, and a magnetic field (H)-induced electric polarization (P) below TN2. Pyroelectric and magnetoelectric current measurements in magnetic fields up to 60 T reveal that for H||c of ~ 8.3 T, a spin-flop transition induces a transverse P||a with a magnitude of 15 µC/m2 below TN2. Furthermore, for a parallel configuration with P//H//a, two spin-flop transitions occur, the first at ~ 16 T with P//a of 14 µC/m2, and the second at ~ 38 T, where P disappears. Monte Carlo simulations based on 12 major exchange interactions uncover that a sinusoidal amplitude modulation of the spins occurs along the b-axis below TN1 and an incommensurate, proper screw-type spin order occurs in the ac-plane below TN2. The simulation results show that P//a under H//c stems from a spin-flop transition facilitating an ab-plane-type spiral order, while the two successive spin-flop transitions for H//a result in spiral spin orders in the ab- and bc-planes. Based on the experimental and theoretical results, we establish field-induced magnetic and electric phase diagrams for the two H directions, demonstrating that the distorted kagome staircase structure with competing intra–interlayer interactions and lifted frustration creates a plethora of different noncollinear spin textures of S = 1/2 spins that in turn induce electric polarization.

Original languageEnglish
Article number45
Journalnpj Quantum Materials
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1 2018


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