Out-of-plane magnetic phase diagram of the Kitaev quantum magnet Na2Co2TeO6

Shengzhi Zhang, Sangyun Lee, Eric Brosha, Qing Huang, Haidong Zhou, Vivien S. Zapf, Minseong Lee

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We have investigated the magnetic properties and mapped out the phase diagram of the honeycomb magnet Na2Co2TeO6 with Co 3d7 in out-of-plane magnetic fields. This material has previously been proposed to show nearest-neighbor Kitaev interactions between Co spins and maybe even Kitaev quantum spin liquid behavior in high fields. At 0.01 T, we observe a thermal phase transition at TN=27K, transitioning from a paramagnetic state to a canonical ferrimagnetic state. Upon increasing the magnetic field, a spin-floplike phase transition occurred before saturation of J=1/2 between 10 K and TN. Below 10 K, a peak-dip-peak structure emerges between 10 and 17 T in the magnetic susceptibility (dM/dH) before the magnetic saturation, reminiscent of magnetization plateau behavior. The measurement of the magnetocaloric effect also shows dip-peak-dip behavior in this field range. Our data can be explained by an XXZ model with a single ion anisotropy and possibly small Kitaev and Γ exchange interactions. We also determined the magnetization saturation field that helps constrain the energy scale of the exchange interactions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number144431
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number14
StatePublished - Oct 1 2024


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